When working with children and families from diverse backgrounds, I always hope that I will have a positive impact on them. I want to be a helpful resource to those who want my help. I would like to treat people with respect and fairness. We all have our differences, but that should not stop us from helping others. I would like to encourage and educate children about the diverse backgrounds, especially the diversity within our classroom. It is important that they know, understand, and respect differences. I thought about hoping to be knowledgable fo the different family cultures that families would have. Unfortunately, culture is constantly evolving and changing. To study a particular culture would be enlightening, but also could be misleading. The stereotypical information about blacks would help a person at first, but it may also insult the person its directed to help.
A simple yet complex goal for the EC field is to find a way in which we can teach about and possibly eliminate racism. Children are taught racist actions. Why can’t we explain what is appropriate and what is not appropriate? Why can’t we as educators open up the conversation about race? Explaining why Suzie has pale white skin, and how Edward has dark skin and hair like Suzie would help children to understand how we are all different but equal. The EC field can have a dynamic impact on racism, but we must first be brave enough to step in.
I just would like to say how much I appreciate the feedback, advice, and opinions of my colleagues through the Diversity and Equity Class at Walden U. Our weekly discussions and open conversations have open my eyes to the EC field even more. I hope that we can still remain connected through future classes and possibly opportunities. The knowledge, experience, and wisdom that each of you have is priceless. Thank you all and best wishes to your future endeavors.